"It keeps my skin smooth and my psoriasis at bay"

I have suffered from psoriasis since I was in elementary school. For years I would be teased about it, treated differently because of it, given unsolicited advise for how to cure it. For years I would try to cover it up, try different treatments for it and finally just accepting that I would always have it. I tried to act confident but it affected my self esteem. A few years ago I saw Simple Sugars on shark tank and thought it was a great concept but never tried it until my grandpa saw the same episode on repeat this year and reminded me about it. In less than a month my psoriasis cleared up significantly. It felt less itchy and many of my family members noticed how much it had cleared up. When I use it keeps my skin smooth and my psoriasis at bay. I couldn't be happier with how my psoriasis looks and I have now started using the facial products and my always oily skin is now feeling normal. 

