Exfoliation 101: Why you should be sloughing off on a regular basis!

Here at Simple Sugars we don't like to take anything for granted. So, we thought it was time for a little back to basics, skincare 101-type, exfoliation review.

You may or may not know that your skin cells have a life cycle of about 25-30 days. So, right around day 25, that little skin cell is looking at the end of its useful life and is beginning its journey to the surface of your skin (that would be the epidermis for you technical types) to wait for the day that it will get (imagine dramatic music here)...sloughed!

Sounds like a cruel end to a short life, but really, that sloughing is oh, so important. You see, the cells can slough themselves, but lots of them are kind of sad to be going so soon and will try to hang around for a while. And guess what? The older you are the longer those deadbeats stick around! When this happens, it's bad news for your skin. Those hangers-on wreak all sorts of skin havoc! They can clog your pores and cause whiteheads or blackheads, they can inflame hair follicles (think men's beards and lady's legs), they make your skin tone uneven and your complexion look dull and tired. Simply put, they have got to go!

So here are the TOP FIVE reasons why you need to be sloughing with a Simple Sugars Scrub on a regular (and when we say regular we mean daily) basis:

#5) Exfoliation unclogs pores, prevents the pores from re-clogging, and allows for the release of natural oils, which keep your skin hydrated and moisturized (or as we like to say "dewy")!

#4) Regular exfoliation decreases pore size and minimizes many types of superficial scars. Little tiny pores and minimal scars are good things!

#3) Exfoliating can stimulate collagen synthesis, which improves the appearance of fine lines.

#2) Exfoliation makes age spots and unwanted pigment less noticeable because the dead skin cells containing the pigment are removed.

And the #1 reason to exfoliate your face and body with Simple Sugars on a daily basis is...........